Tropical Print Blouse, Loving Lutterloh

Lutterloh blouse front starbucksI Love tropical fish, shells and palm trees.

Nothing speaks resort, summer, and casual sophistication to me than white linen pants topped with a colorful tropical print  or crisp striped shirt. There are no palm trees on this fabric, but brightly colored fish, and gorgeous shells abound.

Living at the beach in a resort like La Paz,  that is the center of ecotourism and the capital of the state of Baja California Sur,  is just plain fun…on good days. Lately most days are good days.

I would wear this blouse in my old life in Silicon Valley, but I love that I am here at the beach and it is the middle of March and by midday I had to roll up my sleeves or roast! So here I am at Starbuck’s waiting for my lime refresher after a hard day of breakfast with friends, a trip and fall, that did not thankfully tear my favorite pants, a stop at  Home Depot and now a cool refresher. How did that cheese cake with raspberry  end up in front of me?

On to details of the blouse.

It is a Lutterloh pattern. Most of what I sew is Lutterloh. Their designs are wonderful. The patterns always fit, and the pattern pieces can be mixed and matched. Take a sleeve here, a collar there, a princess seam to complete the look.

The Big 4 and even most other patterns are expensive, I cannot buy them here, there are NO patterns here, and I have to do too much slicing and dicing of the patterns to make them fit.  It gives me a headache talking about it!


Here is the fashion illustration: What I love about this silhouette it has a collar stand, and  cuffs. Notice the little black dressform at knee height on the model. This means that the pattern is designed for a fuller figure.  Based on my measurements, I am not considered a member of that club, by the designers. So when drafting the pattern, I used  smaller numbers on their special scale. I explain the system in this older post.LUTTERLOH SYSTEM

I made view 3, the white blouse blowing in the breeze. I also love that the back has nice shaping darts, I did not want to look like I was wearing a smock or maternity top.

Made for fuller figure, but I cut it down, fits perfectly

Made for fuller figure, but I cut it down, fits perfectly

Since I am short 5’1″  and short waisted, I have to adjust for my waist, and shortened the  long sleeves. These are simple and quick adjustments, and I know that I have to do them on most garments.  By shortening the waist I did loose some of the drama of the hi-lo hem, but it still shows a little difference.

And if it were much longer it would be, well old ladyish, and I am NOT going there!

My Beloved, while personally trained in the art (by me) of making me look my best in these photos doesn’t always remember his training. And he is patient enough to take the photos so I don’t overly criticize him.

If the shots are really unflattering, I do ask for more attempts.

I have trained him to take two or three of the same pose. We re working on this.

With that in mind here is a back view. Some wrinkles, but you can still see the shape. And we were in  Starbuck’s. Mexicans are very laid-back folk, but the photo shoot made them curious, and therefore put a little pressure on the Beloved to get the shot, and then sit down.

Lutterloh blouse side view

Here I am in my hallway at home with one more side view

Here is a back view. In reality it fits beautifully and accentuates my waist.

Lutterloh blouse side StarbucksAnd you can also see that there is a bit of a hi-lo hem goin’ on.


I have buttons, buttons, buttons, boxes of buttons, tins of buttons, buttons sorted by color, by size, by material. I did not have enough of any button for this top. So I used several different colors and shapes of buttons. Back in Fresno in the early 80’s my best friend Greta and I would shop for fabric on self-proclaimed  sewing holidays and take off  from work. For quite awhile all the fabric stores were selling buttons at TEN CENTS a card. We sucked  up buttons. We traded buttons. I still have some of those buttons.

Here they are on the blouse and cuffs:

Lutterloh blouse buttonsOne disclaimer: I do have bunches of SHANK buttons that would match, but that means HAND SEWING.

The pattern calls for a continuous lap at the sleeve opening, but I have never like that finish.

So I made a sleeve placket and I am proud of it. Blogs are  so much fun, a time to show off and brag!

Lutterloh blouse sleeve placketThere you have it: a bright, summery shirt, with whimsy and nice construction details.

The fabric was a gift: $00.00

Buttons:                         $0.10

Pattern:                           $0.50

Saw versions of this blouse in Nieman Marcus for $268.00

I love to sew with Lutterloh!

Thanks for visiting.



  • Delia

    Reply Reply March 22, 2016

    LOVE that blouse, and the fabric. You look great.
    Jim’s in the hospital for his second chemo. Had to leave early to pick prescription for me…couldn’t go one day without it. He’s been told he’s weird by the doctors here. He had had no side effects from the daily radiation, and non from the chemo…he did lose 2 pounds. They can’t understand it. I hope this session is as easy as the last.
    more later.
    You can send me that blouse any time now.

  • Cheryl L. George

    Reply Reply March 22, 2016

    Hi! Love your fabric and the shirt! I’ll have to check out Lutterloh. Good to see/hear from you and so happy you are enjoying life in La Paz 🙂

  • helen

    Reply Reply March 22, 2016

    Wow Susan, this blouse takes the cake, icing and the pan. Simply delightful and even with your cameraman’s “difficulties’, the shots do show off the blouse and how very well it fits your lovely form. As always your attention to detail pays off beautifully; don’t you owe me a Leterol lesson? lol

  • Kathy Russell

    Reply Reply May 1, 2016

    So in love with your top ! It’s a piece of art! I really want to learn to sew at your level. So glad I found your blog.

  • Barbara

    Reply Reply June 1, 2016

    A blouse in only one fabric? Gasp. Although it’s fantastic fabric all on its own and doesn’t need a single distraction!

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