Some Thoughts on the Satisfactions of Sewing



Suz, my feminist guardian angel with the messy hair and dented halo, has been singing with the heavenly chorus and will be back after New Years. All of the choirs of angels were working extra hard since election day to help  to salve the souls of those of us that are  despairing and terrified of what is  to come in 2017.  Suz, CANNOT sing to save her life. But she went anyway to help where she could. She left me on my own this blog day, so here are some thoughts on sewing.





Lifted with love from Claire Kennedy at Sewing Artistry.

The Satisfactions of Sewing:

Sewing canhand-sewing-button cure the troubled, scarred and broken soul

Sewing can create from something abstract and ethereal to something concrete and temporal

Sewing can call the muse



Sewing can bring you back to who you really are

Sewing can guard you against dementia and Alzheimer’s

Sewing can hone skills that are highly prized in the market place

Sewing can pay you back for decades with one project


The Satisfactions of Sewing in My Words:

I love drawing  the flat pattern  to my measurements.

Then cutting flat fabric and making a well-fitting garment.

 I love answering compliments on my clothing with the words :

“Thanks, I made it!”

More Thoughts on Why I Sew:

And I sew because I  HAVE to. I am driven to sew.

If I go a few days without sewing my soul aches.

And I sew to make beautiful things for friends and family.

 I sew especially for my darling daughter, The Bathtub Mermaid, Melissa.


 Images like this, with just the presser foot and some fabric evoke a warm and visceral reaction in my soul. I love everything about sewing.

When I lower the presser foot, it catches the light from the sewing machine and sparkles. When I sink the needle I feel like I have just geared up for warp drive. When I press on the foot pedal and set things in motion, it is as if the Starship Enterprise is winking into space. And I am at the helm and about to make new discoveries.



With 2016 in it’s final days, I wish you a Happy New Year.


 And PLEASE, remember we must resist and obstruct. We must daily, call our elected representatives and remind them that they are employed by us, and we do not want any bipartisan fake love fest. We want our Constitution  respected and protected. We want our seniors, and all of the vulnerable classes of our society, Mexicans, blacks, LGBTQ, Muslims, women and girls, and immigrants protected. They all belong in America and they all deserve to live in peace and prosperity.



  • Lulu AmadorSilva

    Reply Reply December 30, 2016






  • Patti

    Reply Reply December 31, 2016

    Beautiful, Susan. I feel as if I’m hearing your voice from deep inside, where your private self resides. Thank you for this. You are so lucky to have a creative form that bring you such pleasure.

    One of your finest pieces of writing.

    Yes, we must and will resist and remain vocal and active.

    But the making of things is what keeps us steady and happy.



  • Anne

    Reply Reply January 2, 2017

    I share many of your thoughts and hope 2017 will be better than forecast!
    I enjoyed reading your thoughts on sewing.
    Happy New Year!

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