Monthly Archives: October 2012
Susan Connects the Dots and makes Well- Fitting Clothes
Jacket and shorts It is really that easy! Using the Lutterloh pattern making system is literally connecting the dots. Here is an outfit I completed last week: Me in the jacket and shorts Instead of trying to adjust a Vogue, McCall’s, Butterick or Simplicity(the Big Four) pattern to fit your body. Lutterloh patterns are…
Susan Wears a Bed Sheet
This lovely 600-thread count sheet will become a caftan, or tunic in pants My mother, Esther Natale Klindienst had a great influence on my personal style. She always told me to be different and not to try to dress like everyone else. And scarves and accessories were her first love, and mine too. Mom also…
Mini-Wardrobe Contest is Over, And Susan Made it to the Finish
The challenge, make 5 pieces that combined to make 6 looks. These are my 6 looks As you know from my previous post, my original idea for the Mini-Wardrobe contest was to make a silk blouse, silk pants, and some denim pieces as well. The silk was impossible to work with. I am not a newbie…